Monday, September 4, 2017

Happy Labour Day!!

There seems something right about putting out my very first post on Labour Day.
I work in the service industry and worked the entire holiday weekend. And what a stickin' hot weekend it was. The pic below was taken at 4pm this afternoon in the shade. That is correct, 30 C. There is a reason I feel like I am melting. 
taken outside back door on deck
I am so not a heat person. I tend to lose weight, which I cannot afford to do and I can't sleep because I need the weight of blankets to fall asleep; I cannot fall asleep with a sheet or, even worse, nothing. So yeah, I normally do not fare too well during a heat wave. I am thankful that I work in an air-conditioned workplace - helps somewhat. I know I may not make some friends when I say, please fall and winter hurry up!

As forementioned I did work all three days of the Labour Day Weekend but I did find time during a split shift on Sunday to go shopping for a new purse. I went to the Bay Centre, (still getting used to this, as before I moved away it was the Eaton's Centre) and walked by a new shoe store, aptly named The Shoe Store, immediately spotting a purse that caught my eye. It was red, had plenty of different pockets. It isn't leather, rather it its polyutherane but not all of us can afford leather, I being one of those hence the relatively inexpensive price of $89 plus they had 25% off. At the check-out counter, after taxes, I handed over just under $67.

Although I really loved the look what make me make the purchase was 1) I loved the lining and all of the compartments. There is three on one side, another one on the back and then 3 main ones.  But there was a second reason and that was the lady who sold it to me. She was nice and down-to-earth and genuinely happy I was there. We chatted a bit about her grand opening and she said she was busier than she thought she would be. Hats off to her and good luck!

Now talking of hats, I recently became interested in growing my somewhat small collection. According to co-workers, family (my mom gave me the hat that started it all) and even strangers, I look good in a hat. So on the start of the long weekend, after my shift ended, I went in search of hats and found two. One, a fedora, making the total amount of fedora's I own 2 and I paper cowboy hat.
the hat that started it all - free
my 2nd fedora

material - 100% paper

I was a bit surprised to see one manufactured out of paper and found it at Field's. I haven't shopped there in a coon's age as most of their clothing doesn't fit me. The fedora I found in a trading post in China Town as I was getting my fruit and veggies (I shop only China Town when in search of fresh fruit and veggies. Again, it comes down to good prices). Besides we have the oldest China Town in the country and for that alone it is worth saving(unfortunately, over the years, due to development, our China Town has been shrinking).
So my hat collection now stands at 6, not counting my numerous ball caps, and I do suspect it will continue to grow. It is probably one of my favourite reasons for living on the westcoast - hats are in!

Phew! the first official post is in the books. Thanks for reading, don't forget to post a comment and follow.
Til next post, Sue

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